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2024/5/17 7:20:55



The 2ndZhuji (Yaojiang) Footwear Expo 2024


Co-located event: The 18th China·Datang International Hosiery Industry Expo




产业介绍Introduction of Industry


Zhuji City, it is located in the Yangtze River Delta region where Chinese economy is very active and competitive. It is the most important city in Hangzhou metropolitan area, the most investment city in the Yangtze River Delta, and the best commercial city in Forbes Chinese mainland. In recent years, Zhuji has continuously accelerated the pace of Hangzhou Shaoxing City and made every effort to build a leading area for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. The economic development trend is strong and the comprehensive strength continues to rise. In recent years, Zhuji city has continuously accelerated the pace of Hangzhou - Shaoxing City and made every effort to build a leading area for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. The economic development trend is strong and the comprehensive strength continues to rise. In 2023, GDP of Zhuji City will reach 175.53billion yuan, and its comprehensive economic competitiveness will rank 8th among the top 100 counties in China.


Yaojiang Town, located in the northern part of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, was formed by the merger of the original Jiangzao Town and Zhibu Town. Yaojiang Shoes has a more than 30 year industrial foundation and is a well-known hometown of footwear industry.In 2023, the output value of the shoe industry in Yaojiang Town exceeded 1.5 billion yuan, with four large-scale enterprises having an output value exceeding 200 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.5%. Nearly 300 enterprises have over 10,000 employees, and the shoe industry's output value accounts for 28.3% of the total industrial output value in Yaojiang Town. The company's products cover a complete shoemaking industry chain, including soles, shoe fabrics, and whole shoe manufacturing. The main products include: men's and women's shoes, children's shoes, casual warm shoes, casual sports shoes, EVA slippers, etc., which are sold domestically throughout the country and exported to countries in Europe, America, and the Middle East such as the United States, France, Greece, etc. It can meet various needs of different customer groups in the market

展会介绍 Introduction of Yaojiang Shoe Expo


In order to better serve the development of shoes industry of Yaojiang town, Zhuji (Yaojiang) Footwear Expo 2023, hosted by the Yaojiang Town People's Government of Zhuji City, and organized by the Zhuji Shoe Industry Association and Shanghai Gehua Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., was successfully held in Zhuji International Trade from August 23 to 25, 2023. The expo was held simultaneously with 17th China·Datang International Hosiery Industry Expoand successfully invited many well-known local shoes companies such as Jinmai, Jinao, Guangyou, Xinshun, Weishi, Yunhao, Xiaocao, Aohai, Bujie Da, Huiwang, Yuantanlong, Xinlu, Huajian, Shengmai, Yuanpin, Shengda, Qianchen, Feida, Weixie, Xinjinqiong, Xingyu, Haole, etc. to participate in the exhibition. At the same time, it also attracted about 5589 domestic and foreign visitors to visit. The exhibition not only provides a comprehensive marketing and communication platform for shoe enterprises, but also assists Yaojiang Footwear Industry in comprehensive transformation and upgrading, and rapid development.


The 2nd Zhuji (Yaojiang) Footwear Expo 2024 will continue to use the theme of Starting Again, Supporting New Development from September 9-11, 2024, and further expand the exhibition scale, exhibitors, and number of visitors. There is a high-quality finished shoes exhibition area, shoes machine and material exhibition area, and forum activity area at the exhibition site, striving to build the exhibition into a grand event in the footwear industry that integrates brand promotion, exhibition and exchange, trade ordering, high-end forums, trend release, and product selection docking.


2024展会信息 Exhibition Profile

l展会名称 Show Name2024第二届诸暨(姚江)鞋业展览会 The 2nd Zhuji (Yaojiang) Footwear Expo 2024

l同期举办 Co-located event:第十八届中国·大唐国际袜业博览会The 18th China·Datang International Hosiery Industry Expo

l展出地点 Venue:诸暨国际商贸城,浙江省诸暨市暨南路9号 Zhuji International Trade City, No. 9 Jinan Road, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province

布展时间Setting up Time202497日 - 8September7-8, 2024

展出时间Opening Time202499日 - 11September9-11, 2024

撤馆时间Dismantling Time2024911September11, 2024(下午14-18, 2 p.m-6 p.m

展会规模Exhibition Scale(预计Estimated

备注Remark:相关数据包含同期展会The data includesco-located event

l展会面积Exhibition Area20,000平方米

l参展企业No.of Exhibitors300+

l观众人次 No.of Visits 20,000+

l同期活动Concurrent Activities10+

展品范围 Scope of Exhibits

l成品鞋类Various Types of Shoes

男鞋、女鞋、童鞋、运动鞋、家居鞋、雪地鞋、凉鞋、休闲鞋、拖鞋、体育用品、时装鞋、劳保鞋、舞蹈鞋、保暖鞋、靴子、沙滩鞋、布鞋、工艺鞋、鞋材、特殊功能鞋等。Men's shoes, women's shoes, children's shoes, sports shoes, home shoes, snowshoes, sandals, casual shoes, slippers, sports goods, fashion shoes, labor protection shoes, dance shoes, warm shoes, boots, beach shoes, cloth shoes, craft shoes, shoe materials, special function shoes, etc.

l鞋材鞋机类Materials and Equipment

鞋材、3D飞织鞋面、鞋料、鞋模、鞋楦、鞋底、鞋衬、鞋样、五金、CAD/CAM系统、粘合剂、涂饰、PU胶、硬化剂、硬脂酸锌、树脂固化剂、鞋机、激光雕刻机等。Shoe materials, 3D fly woven upper, shoe materials, shoe mold, shoe last, sole, lining, shoe pattern, hardware, CAD/CAM system, adhesives, finishing, PU glue, hardener, Zinc stearate, resin curing agent, shoe machine, laser engraving machine, etc

l相关配套服务商Related Supporting Service Providers

跨境电商平台、MCN机构、信息咨询、物流仓储、运营管理系统、支付平台、数字营销、产品设计等。Cross border e-commerce platforms, MCN institutions, information consulting, logistics warehousing, operation management systems, payment platforms, digital marketing, product design, etc.



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